Produced Moon wants to publicly state our support for the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).

Academic and Cultural Institutions in Israel have been used for decades to support and normalise the horrific oppression of Palestinian people. Right now, they are a key part of the institutional structure that supports and legitimises Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.
We will boycott any artistic, academic or cultural body who accepts funding from the Israeli state. These funding agreements specifically require individuals to promote the policy interests of Israel, and to create a positive image of Israel. Below is a quote included in these contracts:
“The service provider is aware that the purpose of ordering services from him is to promote the policy interests of the State of Israel via culture and art, including contributing to creating a positive image for Israel”
Right now, these institutions are promoting a state that is murdering Palestinians and destroying Gaza. We boycott any organisation promoting, supporting or not challenging Israel’s current violence. There is no neutral and to be silent is to be complicit. Through boycotts we make daily operations for these institutions difficult and we challenge their complicity.
Our Boycott is focussed specifically on institutions, not on individuals. We want to recognise the academics and artists who are Israeli nationals or migrants in Israel who are standing in opposition to the Israeli regime.
We want to emphasise that this boycott is specifically about the artistic and academic institutions involved in promoting, excusing and normalising Israel’s actions in Gaza. This is not about boycotting Israeli artists and academics who are publicly critical of Israel.
This is not about boycotting Jewish people. We stand against those who have used the fight for justice for the Palestinian people as a vehicle for vile antisemitism. We condemn any form of antisemitism.
You can read more about the BDS-led PACBI movement using the links below, and we’d definitely recommend this further reading.
More information on the Cultural Boycott:
More information on the Academic Boycott:
Huge thank you to Art Workers for Palestine Scotland for providing resources and support in mobilising the Scottish arts sector.
