About Us
Our Work
Audio Haunts
Glory Mold
XR Theatre Lab
Lab Events
Co-created with young and emerging artists at platform, join us on this puzzle filled audio adventure.
An ever expanding world building project exploring the future of an AI slime mold.
360 Music Videos about the Climate Crisis - co created with young people around Scotland
Fusing live theatre and virtual reality, this show transports its audiences into a surreal world of black holes, particle physics, love and grief.
Escape reality, call the Moon!
Apple vs Android
A 360 degree film about young people and their fight and rage against climate change
Futuristic online interactive stories by young people
A robot cabaret extravaganza!
Part theatre, part video game. Exploring who we are online.
In development with Biome Collective and Scottish Youth Theatre
A creative research project investigating theatre and tech.
A deadly virus in a post-apocalyptic world
An immersive and interactive live video game
Audio adventures for young people about amazing female inventors.
Audience members become detectives in a Victorian murder mystery